Freitag, 29. Mai 2015

Recuerdos de Mexico - Bookmark Art (Side Project)

(etcetera23 in the Travel Studio)

Bookmarks Made in Mexico

Meanwhile in Mexico...

I was creating my little Water Color Designs and a little side project occurred. Bookmarks!
I know, in the time of Kindle & Co maybe a bit old-school... but I still meet enough people traveling with real books. Yeah!

The style is more or less the same of my other mexican travel art. To show you, how it comes together I made a little "making of" here:

Pencil - Marker - Water Color Pencil - Brush - Highlights with the Marker

dzunum - el mundo de Joáo - el mundo de Lynda

interferencia - negrosita 2 - que voy hacer?

sentido - cinco - viajar 

 el mundo de Molly - el mundo de - negrosita1

copyrights by

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